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What is Tallows Texture like?Updated 5 months ago

As you know, Hunter & Gather Organic Tallow is made exclusively from the suet fat of organically raised grass-fed British cattle.

Tallow consistency can vary due to seasonality, weather and ambient temperature fluctuations and cattle breed variation.

We will never use processing aids, other ingredients, or other oils in our Tallow meaning it can vary in taste, texture, and consistency from time to time.

Just like Ghee or Coconut Oil, it can become more liquid, grainy, and looser in consistency (sometimes with a thin layer of oil on top) when the temperature is warmer. When the weather is cooler, it can be smoother and firmer.

So, in summary, Tallow can vary from a smooth and firm finish to a more looser, grainy finish.

Both are equally delicious, nutritious, and incredible to use.

Pro Tip: If you desire a smooth and polished finish, you can gently heat (on a very low heat) your tallow in a pan or slow cooker, letting it cool slightly pour back into the jar, and then quickly cool in the fridge.

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