How do I redeem my “Thrive Reward Points” discount voucher on my next Subscription Order?Updated 2 years ago
You can redeem any of your "Thrive Reward Points" for a discount code that can be used towards an upcoming subscription.
Located on your Subscription Portal Homepage you will find your "Thrive Rewards" in the left-hand options.
Scroll down to where it says "Rewards" here you will see if you have enough rewards to claim a discount code.
If you have enough points, choose the reward you would like to redeem, by clicking "Get Reward", confirm, and copy the discount code provided.
To redeem your discount code from your upcoming subscription:
1. Head to the Subscription that you want to add this discount or loyalty code to.
2. You can find all your Subscriptions in the “Subscriptions” Tab on the left-hand side (or in the dropdown at top if on mobile).
3. Once you have selected the Subscription you want to add the code too, scroll down to “Order Summary” and click “Have A Promo Code”. Enter your Promo or Loyalty code here.
Your discount will now be added to your up and coming Subscription Order. You will be able to confirm this by looking at your new total.
Please note that you cannot use more than one discount code at a time. After your next subscription has been sent you will then be able to use a further discount code on the next subscription.
If for any reason once you have redeemed your discount code and you are stuck then please reach out to our customer support team here and we would be happy to help!